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The purpose of the Foundation for Critical Thinking is to advance fairminded critical thinking in human societies across the world and in every part of human life. We hope that our work is always used in keeping with this philosophy.
Because we understand that critical thinking must be conceptualized deeply if it is to be transformative, we recommend that more, rather than fewer, materials on critical thinking be used in teaching and learning. Therefore, for instance, rather than requesting to use one or two pages from one of our thinkers guides, we suggest that you encourage students to purchase our (modestly priced) guides for use in their classes and their lives.
We are also concerned that our work not be taken out of context and (perhaps inadvertently) misapplied. Again, we are fundamentally concerned with advancing a fairminded conception of critical thinking - strong sense critical thinking, rather than weak sense critical thinking (a phenomenon already too common in human life). In other words, we do not support our work being used to foster critical thinking without concern for the rights and needs of all people and other sentient creatures across the globe.
If you would like to modify our work in any way, please submit attachments that precisely show these modifications. In general we suggest that our theoretical work be used as is, rather than be reworded or reworked. We of course invite high quality contextualizations of critical thinking in all domains.
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Should our copyrighted material be used to aid any form of academic research, permission approval is contingent upon the Foundation receiving a copy of the final research findings, as well as links to any articles arising out of the research. The FCT reserves the right to post research findings on its website, in relevant FCT publications, etc., and to use the findings in any way it so chooses.
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As you see, increasingly powerful trends against the teaching, learning, and practice of critical thinking entail extraordinary challenges to our mission. To continue our work, we must now rely upon your financial support. If critical thinking matters to you, please click here to contribute what you can today.
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