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Grade Profiles

Linda Elder

An Intro to Psychology

The Grade of F


The work at the end of the course is as vague, imprecise, and unreasoned as it was in the beginning. There is little evidence that the student is genuinely engaged in the task of taking charge of his or her psychological thinking.

Many assignments appear to have been done pro forma, the student simply going through the motions without really putting any significant effort into thinking his or her way through them.

Consequently, the student is not analyzing psychological issues clearly, not formulating psychological information accurately, not distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, not identifying key questionable psychological assumptions, not clarifying key psychological concepts, not identifying relevant psychological competing points of view, not reasoning carefully from clearly stated premises, or tracing psychological implications and consequences.

The students work does not display discernable psychological reasoning and problem-solving skills.

The Grade of D

D-level work shows only a minimal level understanding of what psychological thinking is, along with the development of some, but very little, psychological thinking skills or abilities.

D work at the end of the course, on the whole, shows only occasional psychological thinking skills, but.....

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