The 45th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking
University of Louisville
2301 South 3rd Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40292
Registration Opens Soon!
Pre-Conference: July 23
Main Conference: July 24 - 27, 2025
{"id":"4492","title":"","author":"","content":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: xx-large;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\">University of Louisville</span></strong></span><br /><em><span style=\"font-size: xx-large; color: #993300;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\"><img style=\"float: left; margin: 0px 10px;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" /></span></strong></span></em><span style=\"font-size: xx-large;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\"><img style=\"float: right; margin-left: 10px;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" /></span></strong></span><strong><span style=\"font-size: medium;\">2301 South 3rd Street</span></strong><br /><strong><span style=\"font-size: medium;\">Louisville, Kentucky 40292</span></strong><br /><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><span style=\"color: #993300;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\"><br />R</span></strong></span><span style=\"color: #993300;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\">egistratio</span></strong></span><span style=\"color: #993300;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\">n Opens Soon!</span></strong></span></span><br /><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\"><br /></span></strong><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\">Pre-Conference: July 23</span></strong></span><br /><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\">Main Conference: July 24 - 27, 2025</span></strong></span></p>","public_access":"1","public_downloads":"0","sku":"","files":[],"images":[]}
Call for Proposals
We are now accepting proposals for Concurrrent Sessions and Roundtable Discussions at the 45th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking!
{"id":"5661","title":"","author":"","content":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: large; font-family: times new roman, times;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><img style=\"float: right; margin-left: 15px;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"330\" height=\"219\" />We are now accepting proposals for Concurrrent Sessions and Roundtable Discussions at the 45th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking!<br /></span><br /><br /></span></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"font-family: times new roman, times; font-size: x-large;\"><img style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"195\" height=\"56\" /></span></a></p>","public_access":"1","public_downloads":"0","sku":"","files":[],"images":[]}
Registration Fees for On-Site Live Attendance
20% Off for active subscribers to the . . .
Registration Fees for Online Remote Attendance
10% Off for active subscribers to the . . .
Conference Leaders and Senior Fellows
Dr. Linda Elder is an educational psychologist and international authority on critical thinking. President and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Critical Thinking, she has taught psychology and critical thinking at the college level, and has given presentations to more than 50,000 educators and leaders. She has coauthored four books, including 30 Days to Better Thinking and Better Living through Critical Thinking and Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life, as well as 24 Thinker's Guides on critical thinking. Concerned with understanding and illuminating the relationship between thinking and affect, and the barriers to critical thinking, Dr. Elder has placed these issues at the center of her thinking and work.
Dr. Gerald Nosich is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Critical Thinking and a prominent authority on critical thinking. He has given more than 150 national and international workshops on critical thinking, has worked with the U.S. Department of Education on a project for the National Assessment of Higher Order Thinking skills, has served as the Assistant Director of the Center for Critical Thinking, and has been featured as a Noted Scholar at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Nosich is Professor Emeritus at SUNY Buffalo State and the University of New Orleans, and is the author of two books including Learning to Think Things Through: A Guide to Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum .
About the Conference
{"id":"4539","title":"","author":"","content":"<h2 style=\"padding: 20px; font-size: 18px; color: white; background-image: none; background-attachment: scroll; background-color: #2d4564; text-align: center; background-position: 0% 0%;\"><span style=\"font-size: xx-large;\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: book antiqua, palatino;\">About the Conference<br /></span></strong></span></h2>","public_access":"1","public_downloads":"0","sku":"","files":[],"images":[]}
Since 1981, The Foundation and Center for Critical Thinking – sister organizations that together represent the world's first think tank dedicated to explicit critical thinking – have hosted the world's longest-running critical thinking conference. The conference emphasizes the Paul-Elder Framework for Critical Thinking, which stands apart from other critical thinking theory in that, first, it applies to all human thought in all fields, professions, and domains of life; second, it relies on natural, rather than technical, language to provide tools and concepts that enable the thinker to break down, assess, and enhance his or her own thinking; third, it accounts for human emotions and desires; and fourth, it emphasizes the importance of ethics in reasoning.
Regardless of your professional, educational, or personal background, The Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking provides a unique opportunity for you to improve your understanding of critical thinking, as well as your ability to apply it to your everyday work, learning, and life.