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Registration & Fees

The conference will be held Monday, July 31 - Friday, August 4 at Sonoma State University, where all attendees will lodge. Lodging begins July 30. The atmosphere, located in the heart of Sonoma County's wine unique country, is both collegial and serene. Three daily meals are included with housing, with an extensive selection of dishes at each meal. Delegates will lodge in newly-built student housing facilities where each will have a private bedroom and private bathroom in an apartment of four to six people. Delegates will also have access to a state-of-the-art recreation facility on campus. Meals begin with dinner the evening before the conference, and end with breakfast on the last day of the conference.

Please note: Since fees are due to Sonoma State in advance of the conference, all registration fees must be paid twenty-one (21) days in advance of the event - no later than July 10. This also means that cancellations made after July 10 are not eligible for a refund or event voucher. (See the bottom of this page for the full cancellation policy.)

Registration is closed. We thank all who signed up to attend!

Registration Option
Price Per Person

37th Annual International Conference - Early Registration

Available through June 10

  • 1 person - $1,470.00
  • 2 - 3 people - $1,445.00
  • 4 - 6 people - $1,420.00
  • 7 or more - $1,335.00

37th Annual International Conference - Standard Reg.

Available June 11 - July 10

  • 1 person - $1,510.00
  • 2 - 3 people - $1,485.00
  • 4 - 6 people - $1,460.00
  • 7 or more - $1,375.00

*Note to Administrators: If you are registering faculty on their behalf, please enter their names and email addresses when listing attendees in the early steps of the registration process. Do not enter your own name and email . You will have an opportunity at the end of registration to provide billing information, which can include your own contact details.

Conference Registration Cancellation Policy:

For refunds, all cancellations must be received in writing (email, fax, or post - see contact information below) no later than one month prior to the scheduled event. A $50-per-person processing fee will be deducted from all refunds. It is up to the registrant to confirm receipt of the cancellation request. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after the deadline. In extenuating circumstances, to be determined solely by the Foundation for Critical Thinking, a voucher for attendance at another Foundation for Critical Thinking event might be offered. Additional fees may be required to use this voucher, e.g. if used for an event with a larger registration fee. Vouchers cannot be offered for academies in England or any country other than the U.S.A. Substitutions for persons attending can be made up to three weeks in advance without charge. In the event of circumstances beyond its control, the Foundation for Critical Thinking reserves the right to amend or cancel any event. The Foundation For Critical Thinking is not liable for any expense incurred by participants as a result of cancellation.

Attendees Accompanied by Family or Other Non-Participants:

Individuals accompanying conference attendees, who are not attending the conference themselves, may lodge and eat on-campus for a fee of $750. Children under age 13 are exempted from this fee.  Please email to let us know of any non-participants in your group who will be lodging on-campus.

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Here are some of the big reasons why:

  1. Many people believe that critical thinking should be free and that scholars qualified to teach critical thinking should do so for free. Accordingly, they do not think they should have to pay for critical thinking textbooks, courses, or other resources when there is "so much free material online" - despite how erroneous that material may be.
  2. There are many misguided academicians, and some outright charlatans, pushing forth and capitalizing on a pseudo-, partial, or otherwise impoverished concept of critical thinking.
  3. Little to no funding is designated for critical thinking professional development in schools, colleges, or universities, despite the lip service widely given to critical thinking (as is frequently found in mission statements).
  4. Most people, including faculty, think they already know what critical thinking is, despite how few have studied it to any significant degree, and despite how few can articulate a coherent, accurate, and sufficiently deep explanation of it.
  5. People rarely exhibit the necessary level of discipline to study and use critical thinking for reaching higher levels of self-actualization. In part, this is due to wasting intellectual and emotional energy on fruitless electronic entertainment designed to be addictive and profitable rather than educational and uplifting.
  6. On the whole, fairminded critical thinking is neither understood, fostered, nor valued in educational institutions or societies.
  7. People are increasingly able to cluster themselves with others of like mind through alluring internet platforms that enable them to validate one another's thinking - even when their reasoning is nonsensical, lopsided, prejudiced, or even dangerous.
  8. Critical thinking does not yet hold an independent place in academia. Instead, "critical thinking" is continually being "defined" and redefined according to any academic area or instructor that, claiming (frequently unsupported) expertise, steps forward to teach it.

As you see, increasingly powerful trends against the teaching, learning, and practice of critical thinking entail extraordinary challenges to our mission. To continue our work, we must now rely upon your financial support. If critical thinking matters to you, please click here to contribute what you can today.


Thank you for your support of ethical critical thinking.