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31st International Conference

Join us at the World's Longest
Running Annual Conference
on Critical Thinking...



July 25th - 28th, 2011
Preconference July 23-24
Near the University of California, Berkeley campus

Register Now

The Center and Foundation for Critical Thinking have together hosted critical thinking academies and conferences for more than three decades. During that time, we have played a key role in defining, structuring, assessing, improving and advancing the principles and best practices of fair-minded critical thought in education and in society. We invite you to join us for the 31st International Conference on Critical Thinking. Our annual conference provides a unique opportunity for you to improve your understanding of critical thinking, as well as your ability to more substantively foster it in the classroom and in all aspects of your work and life.

Choose from the following sessions when registering. Choose one for each day section.  See preconference and conference schedule and sessions for full titles and descriptions.

  • Developing a Substantive Approach to Socratic Questioning Through Critical Thinking
  • 25 Weeks to Better Thinking and Better Living: Using the Tools of Critical Thinking to Take Charge of Your Life
  • Three Historical Approaches to Critical Thinking and Their Significance for the Design and Assessment of Post-Secondary Curriculum
  • CANCELED How to Work Together with Colleagues to deepen Your Understanding of Critical Thinking Through Extended Book Studies
  • Teaching Students to Think Within a Field or Discipline
  • What are Intellectual Traits and How Does One Teach for Them?
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Emancipating the Mind
  • Fostering Critical Thinking in the Secondary Classroom
  • Advanced Session: ‘On the potential of the critical vocabulary of the English language as an academic lingua franca’ (for returning registrants)
DAY TWO Morning
  • The Role of Administration in Creating Critical Thinking Communities
  • Using Peer Review on a Typical Day to Foster Substantive Critical Thinking
  • Teaching Students to Distinguish Strong and Weak Sense Critical Thinking
  • Fostering Critical Thinking in the Social Disciplines 
DAY TWO Afternoon
  • Using the Tools of Critical Thinking to Teach Students How to Study and Learn
  • Why Transfer of Learning is a Common Consequent of Teaching for Critical Thinking 
  • Teaching for Intellectual Autonomy and Intellectual Courage
  • Sociocentric Thinking as a Barrier to Cultivating the Intellect
  • Concurrent sessions - choose at the conference
DAY FOUR Morning 
  • Teaching Students Fundamental and Powerful Concepts
  • Why I am Ashamed to Belong to the Human Species 
  • What I Think of When I Design Instruction
  • The Art of Close Reading and Substantive Writing

The conference begins with 4 options for preconference sessions. These are for both new and returning registrants. The rest of the conference will consist in approximately 40 sessions offered over four days. Participants will choose in advance the sessions offered during the preconference and on days one, two, and four of the main conference. On the third day of the conference participants will choose from approximately 30 sessions. 

All conference sessions are designed to converge on basic critical thinking principles and to enrich a core concept of critical thinking with practical teaching and learning strategies. For a fuller explanation of core critical thinking concepts review the Thinker's Guide Series or articles from our library.

Throughout our work we emphasize and argue for the importance of teaching for critical thinking in a strong, rather than a weak, sense. We are committed to a clear and "substantive" concept of critical thinking (rather than one that is ill-defined); a concept that interfaces well with the disciplines, that integrates critical with creative thinking, that applies directly to the needs of everyday and professional life, that emphasizes the affective as well as the cognitive dimension of critical thinking, that highlights intellectual standards and traits. We advocate a concept of critical thinking that organizes instruction in every subject area at every educational level.

Conference Plan and Sessions:

PRE-CONFERENCE: Saturday and Sunday
(you choose one of the following in-depth two-day sessions)…

: Monday - Thursday

: Monday
(you indicate one of the following sessions, which runs all day following the morning key-note address)
DAY TWO Morning
: Tuesday
(you choose one of the following sessions for the morning)
DAY TWO Afternoon
: Tuesday
(you choose one of the following sessions for the afternoon)
: Wednesday
All Day Concurrent Sessions... concurrent session program to be posted during the spring 2011 semester. All sessions are invited.

DAY FOUR Morning
: Thursday
(you choose one of the following sessions for the morning)

This year's conference will be held at the Claremont Resort Hotel & Spa near U.C. Berkeley, California.  More information on the Claremont Hotel

From Past Conferences...

Speakers from past critical thinking conference

Register Now

31st International Conference on Critical Thinking Cost Per Person
EVENT OPTIONS:  IF PAID BETWEEN Dec 01 2010 AND Jul 04 2011 1 Person 2-3 people 4-6 People 7 or More
31st International Conference (only) - early registration
$480.00 $455.00 $430.00 $345.00
31st International Conference with PreConference - early registration
$720.00 $695.00 $670.00 $585.00
EVENT OPTIONS:  IF PAID AFTER Jul 05 2011 and BEFORE Jul 27 2011 1 Person 2-3 people 4-6 People 7 or More
31st International Conference (Only) $510.00 $485.00 $460.00 $375.00
31st International Conference with PreConference $760.00 $735.00 $710.00 $625.00
EVENT OPTIONS:  IF PAID AFTER Dec 01 2010 and BEFORE Jul 23 2011 1 Person 2-3 people 4-6 People 7 or More
31st International - PreConference Only
$240.00 $240.00 $240.00 $240.00

30th International Conference on Critical Thinking Keynote address by Richard Paul in 5 parts

CATEGORY HOME PAGE   31st International Conference

31st Conference Schedules

Files available for download  »
  • Conf_Schedule_20111.doc

  • PreConf_Schedule_2011.doc

  • 31st Conference Color Flyer

    Files available for download  »
  • FCT 2011 Intl Conf flyer.pdf

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    Here are some of the big reasons why:

    1. Many people believe that critical thinking should be free and that scholars qualified to teach critical thinking should do so for free. Accordingly, they do not think they should have to pay for critical thinking textbooks, courses, or other resources when there is "so much free material online" - despite how erroneous that material may be.
    2. There are many misguided academicians, and some outright charlatans, pushing forth and capitalizing on a pseudo-, partial, or otherwise impoverished concept of critical thinking.
    3. Little to no funding is designated for critical thinking professional development in schools, colleges, or universities, despite the lip service widely given to critical thinking (as is frequently found in mission statements).
    4. Most people, including faculty, think they already know what critical thinking is, despite how few have studied it to any significant degree, and despite how few can articulate a coherent, accurate, and sufficiently deep explanation of it.
    5. People rarely exhibit the necessary level of discipline to study and use critical thinking for reaching higher levels of self-actualization. In part, this is due to wasting intellectual and emotional energy on fruitless electronic entertainment designed to be addictive and profitable rather than educational and uplifting.
    6. On the whole, fairminded critical thinking is neither understood, fostered, nor valued in educational institutions or societies.
    7. People are increasingly able to cluster themselves with others of like mind through alluring internet platforms that enable them to validate one another's thinking - even when their reasoning is nonsensical, lopsided, prejudiced, or even dangerous.
    8. Critical thinking does not yet hold an independent place in academia. Instead, "critical thinking" is continually being "defined" and redefined according to any academic area or instructor that, claiming (frequently unsupported) expertise, steps forward to teach it.

    As you see, increasingly powerful trends against the teaching, learning, and practice of critical thinking entail extraordinary challenges to our mission. To continue our work, we must now rely upon your financial support. If critical thinking matters to you, please click here to contribute what you can today.


    Thank you for your support of ethical critical thinking.