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Schedule for the 40th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking

 Revised September 30, 2020

40 th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking

Tentative Schedule
Sept. 15 – Nov. 8, 2020


EDT = Eastern Daylight Time
EST = Eastern Standard Time (Begins Nov. 1)

Presentations Released in Blocks to Provide Ample Time for Viewing and Activities Each Week

All Pre-Recorded Sessions Are Posted by 3:00 p.m. Eastern on their
Respective Scheduled Release Days

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  • 40th Conference Schedule (Revised Sept. 30)

  • Tuesday, Sept. 15

    Pre-Recorded Posting        Keynote Address Part One
                                                    Gerald Nosich


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Keynote Address Part Two
      Linda Elder

    Wednesday, Sept. 16

    6:00 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Keynote Live Discussion 1
      Gerald Nosich

    Thursday, Sept. 17

    6:00 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Keynote Live Discussion 2
    Linda Elder



    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 1*

    Teaching Students to Use Critical Thinking Standards to

    Assess Reasoning
    Gerald Nosich

    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 2

    Fostering Critical Thinking in the Secondary Classroom
    Paul Bankes


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 3

    Bringing Rigorous Standards of Thought to Business and

    Government for Higher Level Reasoning
    Brian Barnes


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 4

    Critical Reading as a Primary Tool for Educating the Mind

    Linda Elder

    *For Each Focal Presentation You ‘Attend’:

    1.      Read the presentation’s landing page in full. It contains important information and links that you will need during the presentation.

    2.      View the recorded presentation on its respective landing page. Remember, most Focal Presentations are divided into multiple videos.

    3.      Complete the activities given on that landing page, where applicable, and share them in the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online (as you wish).


    4.      Give and receive feedback on each other’s completed activities (as you wish).


    5.      Join online with other conference participants in pairs or groups to discuss live the activities you completed, prior to and/or after the presentation’s Live Discussion, to continue your learning in this content area.


    6.      Attend one of the Live Discussions scheduled for that presentation. If you are unable to attend, the recording will be posted in the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online’s Audio/Visual Library.


    Friday, Sept. 18

    1:00 - 7:00 p.m. EDT           Intensive Workshop for Higher Education*
    Foundations of Critical Thinking: Essential Tools for Teaching and Learning in Every Field of Study at Every Level
    Brian Barnes


    Intensive Workshop Schedule:


    1:00 – 2:20 p.m. EDT         Workshop Begins


    2:20 – 2:30 p.m. EDT         Break


    2:30 – 3:40 p.m. EDT         Workshop Continues


    3:40 – 3:50 p.m. EDT         Break


    3:50 – 4:50 p.m. EDT          Workshop Continues


    4:50 – 5:50 p.m. EDT          Meal Break


    5:50 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Workshop Continues


    *Intensive Workshops are available only to those who registered for them when registering for the conference. If you still wish to register for the Intensive Workshops, click here .


    Tuesday, Sept. 22

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 1*

    Teaching Students to Use Critical Thinking Standards to

    Assess Reasoning
    Gerald Nosich

    *Two online Live Discussions are held for each Focal Presentation. The registration links for these discussions are available through the online conference and are also being sent to participants by email. If you can’t attend either Live Discussion for a given Presentation, the recording will be posted in the Community Online’s Audio/Visual Library.


    Wednesday, Sept. 23

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 2

    Fostering Critical Thinking in the Secondary Classroom
    Paul Bankes

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 1

    Teaching Students to Use Critical Thinking Standards to

    Assess Reasoning

    Gerald Nosich



    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 5

    Using Peer Review on a Typical Day to Foster Substantive Critical Thinking
    Linda Elder


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 6

    Designing Instruction so that Students Learn to Think Things Through
    Gerald Nosich



    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 7

    For Administrators:   How to Develop a Successful Long-Term Staff Development Plan that Fosters Critical Thinking
    Paul Bankes


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 8

    Cultivating Evidence-Based Decision Making in Business and Government
    Brian Barnes


    Thursday, Sept. 24

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 4

    Critical Reading as a Primary Tool for Educating the Mind

    Linda Elder


    Friday, Sept. 25

    1:00 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Intensive Workshop for K-12 (Primary and Secondary Education)*
    Foundations of Critical Thinking: Essential Tools for Teaching and Learning in Every Field of Study at Every Level
    Paul Bankes


    Intensive Workshop Schedule:


    1:00 – 2:20 p.m. EDT         Workshop Begins


    2:20 – 2:30 p.m. EDT         Break


    2:30 – 3:40 p.m. EDT         Workshop Continues


    3:40 – 3:50 p.m. EDT         Break


    3:50 – 4:50 p.m. EDT          Workshop Continues


    4:50 – 5:50 p.m. EDT          Meal Break


    5:50 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Workshop Continues



    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 4

    Critical Reading as a Primary Tool for Educating the Mind

    Linda Elder

    Saturday, Sept. 26

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 3

    Bringing Rigorous Standards of Thought to Business and

    Government for Higher Level Reasoning
    Brian Barnes

    Sunday, Sept. 27

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 3

    Bringing Rigorous Standards of Thought to Business and

    Government for Higher Level Reasoning
    Brian Barnes


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 2

    Fostering Critical Thinking in the Secondary Classroom
    Paul Bankes



    Tuesday, Sept. 29

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 6

    Designing Instruction so that Students Learn to Think Things Through
    Gerald Nosich



    Wednesday, Sept. 30

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 7

    For Administrators:   How to Develop a Successful Long-Term Staff Development Plan that Fosters Critical Thinking
    Paul Bankes



    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 5

    Using Peer Review on a Typical Day to Foster Substantive Critical Thinking
    Linda Elder



    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 1*
    Implementing Critical Thinking Exercises in the Classroom
    Sanghamitra Saha


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 2

                                                   Deconstructing Ego in Education and Business through Individualized Learning Strategies
    Susannah Johnson


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 3

    Critical Thinking, Social Justice, and the English Classroom
    Linda Tym & Paul Nixon

    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 4

    Critical Thinking & Complex Problem Solving: Welcome to the New Intellectual Frontier
    Kevin Smith


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 5
    The Creation of a Professional Reasoning Model for Students in an Occupational Therapy Curriculum
    Cristy Daniel & Mary Smith


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 6
    Music, a Primer Codifying Critical Thinking
    Henry Henderson


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 7
    High-Leverage Practices for Integrating Critical-Thinking Instruction into Core 4 Academic Subjects
    Jonathan Haber


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 8
    Overcoming Competitive Impulses
    Olga Malinovskaya


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 9
    Leading Through Uncertainty: Using Critical Thinking Tools to Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis
    Patty Payette


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 10

                                                    An Inquiry Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking
    Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 11
    Investigating the Factors Hindering the Enhancement of Critical Thinking Skills in Lebanese High Schools: A Case Study of Selected Schools  
    Samar Hamieh


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 12
    What Is Obvious Is Not Always Obvious: Critical Thinking
    Zina Lehef


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 13
    Proposals that Deal with Overcoming the Barriers to Critical Thinking Development

    Yuliya Koreshnikova, Isak Froumin, & Taras Pashchenko

    *For Each Guest Presentation You ‘Attend’:

    1.      View the recorded presentation on its respective landing page.


    2.      Review any supplementary resources or exercises given on that landing page (where applicable).


    3.      Attend one of the Live Discussions scheduled for that presentation. If you are unable to attend, the recording may be posted in the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online’s Audio/Visual Library.


    Proposals for Guest Presentations were approved by Fellows of the Foundation

    for Critical Thinking (FCT) where they appeared to offer ideas meriting further exploration through recorded video and live discussion. Publication of Guest Presentations does not imply endorsement by the FCT of every or any particular idea expressed therein.


    Friday, Oct. 2

    1:00 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Final Intensive Workshop*
    Teaching Students to Write Significant Papers Using Explicit Tools of Critical Thinking
    Gerald Nosich


    Intensive Workshop Schedule:


    1:00 – 2:20 p.m. EDT         Workshop Begins


    2:20 – 2:30 p.m. EDT         Break


    2:30 – 3:40 p.m. EDT         Workshop Continues


    3:40 – 3:50 p.m. EDT         Break


    3:50 – 4:50 p.m. EDT          Workshop Continues


    4:50 – 5:50 p.m. EDT          Meal Break


    5:50 – 7:00 p.m. EDT          Workshop Continues



    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 7

    For Administrators:   How to Develop a Successful Long-Term Staff Development Plan that Fosters Critical Thinking
    Paul Bankes



    Saturday, Oct. 3

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 5

    Using Peer Review on a Typical Day to Foster Substantive Critical Thinking
    Linda Elder


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 8

    Cultivating Evidence-Based Decision Making in Business and Government
    Brian Barnes


    Sunday, Oct. 4

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 8

    Cultivating Evidence-Based Decision Making in Business and Government
    Brian Barnes


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 6

    Designing Instruction so that Students Learn to Think Things Through
    Gerald Nosich


    Monday, Oct. 5

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 3

    Critical Thinking, Social Justice, and the English Classroom
    Linda Tym & Paul Nixon


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 12
    What Is Obvious Is Not Always Obvious: Critical Thinking
    Zina Lehef


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 1
    Implementing Critical Thinking Exercises in the Classroom
    Sanghamitra Saha


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 6
    Music, a Primer Codifying Critical Thinking
    Henry Henderson



    *Two online Live Discussions are held for each Guest Presentation. Choose which to attend based on a forthcoming schedule. If you can’t attend either, the recording may be posted in the Community Online’s Audio/Visual Library.


    Tuesday, Oct. 6

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 7
    High-Leverage Practices for Integrating Critical-Thinking Instruction into Core 4 Academic Subjects
    Jonathan Haber


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 4

    Critical Thinking & Complex Problem Solving: Welcome to the New Intellectual Frontier
    Kevin Smith


    5:00 p.m. EDT                      Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 2
    Deconstructing Ego in Education and Business through Individualized Learning Strategies
    Susannah Johnson


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 5
    The Creation of a Professional Reasoning Model for Students in an Occupational Therapy Curriculum
    Cristy Daniel & Mary Smith


    Wednesday, Oct. 7

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 12
    What Is Obvious Is Not Always Obvious: Critical Thinking
    Zina Lehef


    11:00 a.m. EDT                    2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 1
    Implementing Critical Thinking Exercises in the Classroom
    Sanghamitra Saha


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 3

    Critical Thinking, Social Justice, and the English Classroom
    Linda Tym & Paul Nixon


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 8
    Overcoming Competitive Impulses
    Olga Malinovskaya

    7:00 p.m. EDT                      2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 2

                                                    Deconstructing Ego in Education and Business through Individualized Learning Strategies
    Susannah Johnson



    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 9
    Teaching Students to Think Within the Logic of a Field or Discipline

    Gerald Nosich


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 10

    Bringing Robust Questions into Teaching and Learning at a Practical Level
    Brian Barnes


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 11

    Helping Students Think Through Complexities Using Critical Thinking
    Gerald Nosich


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 12

    Liberating the Mind Through Critical Thinking
    Linda Elder



    Thursday, Oct. 8

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 5
    The Creation of a Professional Reasoning Model for Students in an Occupational Therapy Curriculum
    Cristy Daniel & Mary Smith


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 9
    Leading Through Uncertainty: Using Critical Thinking Tools to Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis
    Patty Payette


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 7

                                                   High-Leverage Practices for Integrating Critical-Thinking Instruction into Core 4 Academic Subjects
    Jonathan Haber



    7:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 4

    Critical Thinking & Complex Problem Solving: Welcome to the New Intellectual Frontier
    Kevin Smith



    Friday, Oct. 9

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 13
    Proposals that Deal with Overcoming the Barriers to Critical Thinking Development

    Yuliya Koreshnikova, Isak Froumin, & Taras Pashchenko


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 8
    Overcoming Competitive Impulses
    Olga Malinovskaya


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 11
    Investigating the Factors Hindering the Enhancement of Critical Thinking Skills in Lebanese High Schools: A Case Study of Selected Schools  
    Samar Hamieh


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 13
    Proposals that Deal with Overcoming the Barriers to Critical Thinking Development

    Yuliya Koreshnikova, Isak Froumin, & Taras Pashchenko



    Saturday, Oct. 10

    2:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 10
    An Inquiry Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking
    Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 9
    Leading Through Uncertainty: Using Critical Thinking Tools to Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis
    Patty Payette


    Sunday, Oct. 11

    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 6
    Music, a Primer Codifying Critical Thinking
    Henry Henderson


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 11
    Investigating the Factors Hindering the Enhancement of Critical Thinking Skills in Lebanese High Schools: A Case Study of Selected Schools  
    Samar Hamieh


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 10
    An Inquiry Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking
    Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby



    Tuesday, Oct. 13

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 9
    Teaching Students to Think Within the Logic of a Field or Discipline

    Gerald Nosich


    Wednesday, Oct. 14

    Pre-Recorded Posting        Guest Presentation 14*
    Promoting Deep Learning Using the Wheel of Reasoning
    Sharon Hunsucker


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 15
    Individualized Learning as a Global Mindset for Critical Thinking, Meaningful Assessment and the Evolving Role of Educators
    Susannah Johnson


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 16
    Principles of Practice: Developing Professional Development Programs to Help Your Faculty and Staff Embrace Teaching for Critical Thinking
    Patty Payette


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 17
    Teaching-Not Teaching
    James Brent


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 18
    Bridging the Gap from the Classroom to Clinical in Allied Health Education
    Debra Crandell


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 19
    Teaching Critical Thinking Skills with Music
    Liz Davis

    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 20
    Teachers’ Perceptions on Critical Thinking in Primary Education
    Loredana Lombardi


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 21
    A Practitioner's Journey: How Critical Thinking Became the Foundation for Complex Problem Solving at the US Nuclear Weapons Complex and the Department of Energy National Laboratories
    Rob De La Espriella

    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 22
    Understanding International Students’ Critical Thinking: Between Then and Now
    Thiziri Zidouni


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 23
    Critical Thinking and The Evolution of Feminism
    Thuy Do


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 24
    Checkmating Pigeons: Theorizing How to Bridge Political Divide on Academic Topics
    William Quayd Snell


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Guest Presentation 25
    Advancing Critical Reflection Using the SOAP Strategy as a High Impact Educational Practice in Teacher Education
    Zafrullah Khan



    *For Each Guest Presentation You ‘Attend’:

    1.      View the recorded presentation on its respective landing page.


    2.      Review any supplementary resources or exercises given on that landing page (where applicable).


    3.      Attend one of the Live Discussions scheduled for that presentation. If you are unable to attend, the recording may be posted in the Center for Critical Thinking Community Online’s Audio/Visual Library.


    Proposals for Guest Presentations were approved by Fellows of the Foundation

    for Critical Thinking (FCT) where they appeared to offer ideas meriting further exploration through recorded video and live discussion. Publication of Guest Presentations does not imply endorsement by the FCT of every or any particular idea expressed therein.



    Thursday, Oct. 15

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 12

    Liberating the Mind Through Critical Thinking
    Linda Elder


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 9
    Teaching Students to Think Within the Logic of a Field or Discipline

    Gerald Nosich



    Friday, Oct. 16

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 11

    Helping Students Think Through Complexities Using Critical Thinking
    Gerald Nosich


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 10

    Bringing Robust Questions into Teaching and Learning at a Practical Level
    Brian Barnes



    Saturday, Oct. 17

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 10

    Bringing Robust Questions into Teaching and Learning at a Practical Level
    Brian Barnes


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 12

    Liberating the Mind Through Critical Thinking
    Linda Elder



    Sunday, Oct. 18

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 11

    Helping Students Think Through Complexities Using Critical Thinking
    Gerald Nosich



    Monday, Oct. 19

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 14
    Promoting Deep Learning Using the Wheel of Reasoning
    Sharon Hunsucker


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 23
    Critical Thinking and The Evolution of Feminism
    Thuy Do


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 16
    Principles of Practice: Developing Professional Development Programs to Help Your Faculty and Staff Embrace Teaching for Critical Thinking
    Patty Payette


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 24
    Checkmating Pigeons: Theorizing How to Bridge Political Divide on Academic Topics
    William Quayd Snell



    Tuesday, Oct. 20

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 22
    Understanding International Students’ Critical Thinking: Between Then and Now
    Thiziri Zidouni



    2:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 20
    Teachers’ Perceptions on Critical Thinking in Primary Education
    Loredana Lombardi


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 21
    A Practitioner's Journey: How Critical Thinking Became the Foundation for Complex Problem Solving at the US Nuclear Weapons Complex and the Department of Energy National Laboratories
    Rob De La Espriella


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 15

                                                    Individualized Learning as a Global Mindset for Critical Thinking, Meaningful Assessment and the Evolving Role of Educators
    Susannah Johnson



    Wednesday, Oct. 21

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 23
    Critical Thinking and The Evolution of Feminism
    Thuy Do


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 22
    Understanding International Students’ Critical Thinking: Between Then and Now
    Thiziri Zidouni


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 14
    Promoting Deep Learning Using the Wheel of Reasoning
    Sharon Hunsucker


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 19
    Teaching Critical Thinking Skills with Music
    Liz Davis



    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 13

    Using the Practical Tools of Critical Thinking to Teach Students How to Study and Learn
    Gerald Nosich


    Pre-Recorded Posting       Focal Presentation 14

    Advanced Session: Why I Read in the Classics, and Why Students (and You) Should Too
    Linda Elder


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 15

    Tools of Rigorous Analysis for Business and Government
    Brian Barnes


    Pre-Recorded Posting        Focal Presentation 16

    Tackling Climate Change Through the Tools of Criticality
    Brian Barnes



    Thursday, Oct. 22

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 24
    Checkmating Pigeons: Theorizing How to Bridge Political Divide on Academic Topics
    William Quayd Snell


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 20
    Teachers’ Perceptions on Critical Thinking in Primary Education
    Loredana Lombardi


    7:00 p.m. EDT                       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 18
    Bridging the Gap from the Classroom to Clinical in Allied Health Education
    Debra Crandell



    Friday, Oct. 23

    11:00 a.m. EDT                    Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 17
    Teaching-Not Teaching
    James Brent


    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 21
    A Practitioner's Journey: How Critical Thinking Became the Foundation for Complex Problem Solving at the US Nuclear Weapons Complex and the Department of Energy National Laboratories
    Rob De La Espriella


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 16
    Principles of Practice: Developing Professional Development Programs to Help Your Faculty and Staff Embrace Teaching for Critical Thinking
    Patty Payette

    7:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 15

                                                   Individualized Learning as a Global Mindset for Critical Thinking, Meaningful Assessment and the Evolving Role of Educators
    Susannah Johnson



    Saturday, Oct. 24

    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 19
    Teaching Critical Thinking Skills with Music
    Liz Davis


    5:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 18
    Bridging the Gap from the Classroom to Clinical in Allied Health Education
    Debra Crandell


    7:00 p.m. EDT Posting       Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 25
    Advancing Critical Reflection Using the SOAP Strategy as a High Impact Educational Practice in Teacher Education
    Zafrullah Khan



    Sunday, Oct. 25

    2:00 p.m. EDT                       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 17
    Teaching-Not Teaching
    James Brent


    5:00 p.m. EDT Posting       2 nd Live Discussion for Guest Presentation 25
    Advancing Critical Reflection Using the SOAP Strategy as a High Impact Educational Practice in Teacher Education
    Zafrullah Khan


    Tuesday, Oct. 27

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 13

    Using the Practical Tools of Critical Thinking to Teach Students How to Study and Learn
    Gerald Nosich


    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 13

    Using the Practical Tools of Critical Thinking to Teach Students How to Study and Learn
    Gerald Nosich



    Wednesday, Oct. 28

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 14

    Advanced Session: Why I Read in the Classics, and Why Students (and You) Should Too
    Linda Elder



    Thursday, Oct. 29

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 14

    Advanced Session: Why I Read in the Classics, and Why Students (and You) Should Too
    Linda Elder



    Friday, Oct. 30

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          1st Advanced Live Discussion*
    What Are Your Deeper Questions About Critical Thinking and How to Apply It?
    Linda Elder

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT          1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 15

    Tools of Rigorous Analysis for Business and Government
    Brian Barnes


    *This Advanced Live Discussion has no associated Focal Presentation.



    Saturday, Oct. 31

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT          2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 15

    Tools of Rigorous Analysis for Business and Government
    Brian Barnes


    Sunday, Nov. 1    *Switch to Eastern Standard Time Begins*

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST           1st Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 16

    Tackling Climate Change Through the Tools of Criticality
    Brian Barnes


    Monday, Nov. 2

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EST           2nd Live Discussion for Focal Presentation 16

    Tackling Climate Change Through the Tools of Criticality
    Brian Barnes


    Tuesday, Nov. 3

    8:00 – 9:00 p.m. EST           2nd Advanced Live Discussion*
    What Are Your Deeper Questions About Critical Thinking and How to Apply It?
    Linda Elder


    *This Advanced Live Discussion has no associated Focal Presentation.


    Wednesday - Friday, Nov. 4 - Nov. 6

    On Your Own Time             Reflect on the Conference, Watch Presentations You Missed, Repeat Activities with New Insight, Etc.


    Saturday, Nov. 7

    1:30 – 2:30 p.m. EST           Live Closing Session 1
    Your Questions About the Theory and Practice of Critical Thinking
    Foundation for Critical Thinking Fellows & Scholars


    Sunday, Nov. 8

    1:30 – 2:30 p.m. EST           Live Closing Session 2
    Moving Forward: What Comes Next?
    Foundation for Critical Thinking Fellows & Scholars

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    Here are some of the big reasons why:

    1. Many people believe that critical thinking should be free and that scholars qualified to teach critical thinking should do so for free. Accordingly, they do not think they should have to pay for critical thinking textbooks, courses, or other resources when there is "so much free material online" - despite how erroneous that material may be.
    2. There are many misguided academicians, and some outright charlatans, pushing forth and capitalizing on a pseudo-, partial, or otherwise impoverished concept of critical thinking.
    3. Little to no funding is designated for critical thinking professional development in schools, colleges, or universities, despite the lip service widely given to critical thinking (as is frequently found in mission statements).
    4. Most people, including faculty, think they already know what critical thinking is, despite how few have studied it to any significant degree, and despite how few can articulate a coherent, accurate, and sufficiently deep explanation of it.
    5. People rarely exhibit the necessary level of discipline to study and use critical thinking for reaching higher levels of self-actualization. In part, this is due to wasting intellectual and emotional energy on fruitless electronic entertainment designed to be addictive and profitable rather than educational and uplifting.
    6. On the whole, fairminded critical thinking is neither understood, fostered, nor valued in educational institutions or societies.
    7. People are increasingly able to cluster themselves with others of like mind through alluring internet platforms that enable them to validate one another's thinking - even when their reasoning is nonsensical, lopsided, prejudiced, or even dangerous.
    8. Critical thinking does not yet hold an independent place in academia. Instead, "critical thinking" is continually being "defined" and redefined according to any academic area or instructor that, claiming (frequently unsupported) expertise, steps forward to teach it.

    As you see, increasingly powerful trends against the teaching, learning, and practice of critical thinking entail extraordinary challenges to our mission. To continue our work, we must now rely upon your financial support. If critical thinking matters to you, please click here to contribute what you can today.


    Thank you for your support of ethical critical thinking.